RTEMS CANopen implementation

Ian Caddy ianc at goanna.iinet.net.au
Wed Aug 18 01:08:21 UTC 2010


We have been interested in a CANOpen stack for some time, but still not
got around to it... ;-)


Seems to have been around for a while and we might have a project coming 
up in the next 6 months or so that also requires a CANOpen stack and we 
were looking at porting over Can Festival to RTEMS.


Ian Caddy

On 17/08/2010 11:56 PM, Luis Mollinedo Herrera wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I'm interested in CAN based applications with CANopen protocol for
> embedded systems (RTEMS), but I didn't find too much information
> about it. Could someone help me with this request?
> Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconveniences.
> Best regards, Luis Mollinedo.
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Ian Caddy
Goanna Technologies Pty Ltd
+61 8 9444 2634

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