Interrupt Problems (again).

Nick Thomas nick.thomas at
Mon Feb 15 15:13:18 UTC 2010

I don't know if this makes any difference, but I am also experiencing an
unusual lockup problem.
I originally thought this was an unrelated resource deadlock problem, but
when the lockup occurs I notice that _ISR_Nest_level is stuck at 1. The
system hasn't crashed, but none of the tasks are getting chance to run
(probably because _ISR_Nest_level is not zero).

Does this shed any light on my problem?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: rtems-users-bounces at [mailto:rtems-users-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Nick Thomas
> Sent: 12 February 2010 16:47
> To: rtems-users at
> Subject: Interrupt Problems (again).
> Hi,
> I am still having problems with interrupts.
> I reported a while ago that rtems_interrupt_is_in_progress() was
> returning the wrong value occasionally.
> Now, I see that I am getting an error 18 (RTEMS_CALLED_FROM_ISR) at a
> place in the code that definitely back-traces to a task!
> At the point of the crash I see that _ISR_Nest_level is zero, and
> _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level is 1 .
> I am using RTEMS 4.7.1 on a PowerPC 405, if that helps.
> I know that RTEMS 4.7.1 is quite old now, but I don't realistically
> have the ability to upgrade at this point in the project.
> Any help/comments/suggestions welcomed.
> Regards
> Nick
> -----------------------------
> Nick Thomas
> Email: nick.thomas at
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