step-by-step instructions needed to build cexp-sh or GeSys

Daron Chabot daron.chabot at
Wed Jun 23 17:35:31 UTC 2010

There are some RTEMS debian packages available, including the
cexp/gesys/telnetd stuff. Info is here:

Note: these are for rtems-4.9.

We are using these at BNL with the mvme3100 BSP.

-- dc

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Heinz Junkes <junkes at>wrote:

> Hi,
> i am not able to generate a loadable cexp-sh and/or GeSys nor a telnetd
> which uses cexp-sh.
> I have successfully installed RTEMS 4.10 tools on debian-lenny and  RTEMS
> Version (cvs)
> and could load all testsuite-examples onto a mvme3100-board.
> I was able to make cexp-CEXP_Release_2_0_beta with all libraries for the
> powerpc-targets but
> coul'nt connect that stuff to GeSys/telnetd :-(
> Heinz
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