_Thread_Dispatch_disable_level gone negative.

Nick Thomas nick.thomas at pixsan.com
Wed May 5 08:19:09 UTC 2010

> Nick,
> I think I had the similar problem, when 0xffffffff was the value of
> comtrol variable - do not remember exactly its name, but it was
> something in _Watchdog_.....
> This was the problem in old version of RTEMS which is solved in upper
> versions.
> Joel pointed me to the corresponding PR number, but I do not remember
> it
> too...:-)
> Anyway, you need to upgrade...:-((
> This is what I finally did, although it cost me a lot of efforts...
> --
> Leon

Hi Leon,

There is a comment in cpukit\score\src\watchdoginsert.c, at about line 90.
Inside the _Watchdog_Insert function.
It's about the call to _ISR_Flash( level ); which is just below it.

It says, "if you have problems, comment out _ISR_Flash."

Is this the problem you are referring to?



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