RTEMS on a Kontron AM4002

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Fri Sep 10 22:27:11 UTC 2010

On 11/09/10 6:50 AM, Steven Grunza wrote:
> Hello,
>    I'm looking into a project that requires a small executive to run on
> an AMC module.  I have a Kontron AM4002 which has a Pentium M processor,
> 2 GB of Flash and 2GB of RAM.  The Flash is implemented as a bootable
> 2GB Solid State Disk.  This module has a serial port and the BIOS
> redirects the BIOS to the serial port.  If I boot into MS-DOS I can use
> a serial port to enter and view the results of commands.  FreeDOS
> doesn't work, the serial console output gets out of sync and eventually
> stops updating.
>    My goal is to configure the SSD with GRUB and a FAT filesystem.  My
> application would include provisions for loading new versions of the
> application over one of the Ethernet connections.  I could probably use
> a USB-based floppy to get the original GRUB and application images onto
> the machine.
>    My first step in this project is to get RTEMS to boot and run on a
> Dell Latitude D400.  This hardware is somewhat similar to my target
> hardware and has the benefit of having a real VGA display, keyboard,
> etc.  It's also closer to hardware available to the RTEMS community in
> general.
>    I've followed all of the various "Getting GRUB to boot on a PC"
> tutorials and created a USB flash drive that can boot into Grub and
> allow me to choose an RTEMS image to boot.  It's not stable.  The
> hello_world example will boot occasionally, maybe 1 in 20 tries.  Other
> boot attempts end up with a blank screen.

Which version of RTEMS are you using ?

Have you tried one of the binary grub images ? For example 
rtems-boot.img in http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/chrisj/grub/.

>  I've tried with using the BSP
> for pc386 and pc686.  The hello_world executables I build from the
> examples directory (following the "Getting Started" documentation) never
> work.  The hello_world executables installed in the
> /opt/rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/pc[36]86/lib/rtems-4.11/tests directory
> are the ones that sometimes work.
>    I'm using a USB boot so that I don't have to wipe out the NTFS
> formatted C: drive in the WinXP based laptop.  While I could try to get
> the eXtender mentioned on the Pc386 Wiki page (the link to it is broken)
> using MS-DOS isn't my final environment so I don't want to put a lot of
> effort into something I won't be using long-term.
>    If anyone has suggestions on how to proceed with getting Hello_World
> to run on a Dell Latitude D400 using Grub as the bootloader I would
> really appreciate hearing them.

Dell boxes usually have PXE loaders. I have used PXE to load grub over a 
network then have grub load RTEMS. Look under section 6.3:



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