[GSoC project] Implementation of ISO9660 filesystem

Christophe Huriaux c.huriaux at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 08:25:04 UTC 2011


   I'd like to introduce myself : I'm Christophe Huriaux (Shisui on
IRC), a 21 years old french student in electronics, embedded systems
and computer sciences.

   I would like to propose myself as a GSoC student for a project
aimed to develop an ISO9660 filesystem implementation into RTEMS.
ISO9660 is the filesystem used in most read-only CD and DVD
applications as well as in ISO files, I think that RTEMS would clearly
benefit of such a "Write-Once Read-Many" filesystem thanks to the work
of a former RTEMS GSoC student, Claudio Silva, who ported the NetBSD
SATA driver. I'm currently digging into

  For more details I invite you to consult my project proposal [1] in
Google Documents, I'm open to any suggestion about this project.

  In order to be ready, I already have a working build environment for
i386 target and pc386 BSP. I debug my applications under QEMU. See [2]
and [3] for the proof and the diff file of the "hello world" test.

[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fymna-05sCBw2K0kEaZFw2mNN0gPFc2mGP1TItug4A/edit?hl=fr
[2] https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Fs2eGulNCtN2IzNDgzMDMtZWE3OS00OGYwLWE5ZjgtOGJlNTU0NTlkM2Vi
[3] https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-Fs2eGulNCtMmRkZTQ0ZmItYjVlOS00NGEzLWE5MTktYmU4Y2ZmODBhMjJk

Christophe Huriaux

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