Does the unmount on RTEMS4.10.1 work correctly?

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri Dec 16 08:15:04 UTC 2011


it is possible to unmount dynamic media in RTEMS 4.10 with the help of the 
media manager:

It is difficult to setup and small mistakes will corrupt the system (heap 
corruption).  This will improve in some weeks.

On 12/16/2011 07:01 AM, ali nasir wrote:
> Hi,
> We have an SDCARD which is inserted at run time and DOS FS is mounted successfully on the same on /mnt/sdcard. When we run 'unmount /mnt/sdcard' from the shell, the unmount is successful (output on shell: 'unmounted /mnt/sdcard'). But when i insert another card, i get following different results at any time.
> 1. Sometimes the second card does not mount. It says mounting failed giving reason as Invalid argument.
> 2. Sometimes, the second card is mounted successfully, but when we do ls -l on the shell, the data shown is that of the previous inserted card.
> 2. Sometimes, the second card is mounted successfully, but when we do ls -l on the shell, we see garbage data on the shell which does not match any of the cards.
> We knew that with the RTEMS4.9, the unmount did not work correct. Was there an improvement with the RTEMS4.10.1 or the situation with the unmount is still the same? or there is any other way to unmount such type of device?
> Regards,
> Ali
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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