Does the unmount on RTEMS4.10.1 work correctly?

ali nasir supremenasir at
Fri Dec 16 11:45:44 UTC 2011


1. Is the media manager necessary to cleanly unmount the device? Does it mean that the 4.10.1 does not support a clean unmount of the media?
2. The 4.11 development branch is the RTEMS4.10.99.o. What is the CVS path for the same?


On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 2:09 PM IST Sebastian Huber wrote:

>On 12/16/2011 09:34 AM, ali nasir wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is the media manager available with the RTEMS4.10.1?
>> I do not see any code of the media manager in the 4.10.1 distribution.
>Maybe you can use the files from the development branch (RTEMS 4.11) also in 4.10 with minor modifications.
>-- Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH
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