Trouble pulling in libm

Ralf Corsepius ralf.corsepius at
Fri Jan 14 14:15:54 UTC 2011

On 01/14/2011 03:03 PM, John Wood wrote:
> Here is the full line and I think the order is probably the problem.
> powerpc/GNU C Linker building target APP_2
> powerpc-rtems4.9-g++ --pipe -B../../../rtems/Install/powerpc-rtems4.9/dam/lib/ -specs bsp_specs -qrtems -fno-keep-inline-functions -mcpu=403 -Dppc405 -Ddam -Wl,-Map="./debug/"   -o "./debug/APP_2.elf" ./debug/obj/Init.o ./debug/obj/appqsst.o ./debug/obj/icmpping.o ./debug/obj/sdsn_tx.o   -lm -ltelnetd -lftpd -lptpd -lnfs
> ../../../rtems/Install/powerpc-rtems4.9/dam/lib\librtemsbsp.a(main_qsst_wavecfg.o): In function `CalculateLFMCoefficients':
> c:\Projects\digital_modules\dam\cfg\config1\rtems\build\powerpc-rtems4.9\c\dam\lib\libbsp\powerpc\dam/../../../../../../../../../../../../common_sw/rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/dam/../../powerpc/shared/plb46/qsst/main_qsst_wavecfg.c:293: undefined reference to `round'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

As I already wrote on PM and as Thomas also indirectly said:
  The order of the libraries matters.

Usually you will want to move -lm to the end of the list of "-l"'s.


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