Floating point issue in rtems 4.8.2 when running on TSIM

Óscar Álvarez Paredes oalvarez at gmv.com
Thu Jun 30 10:05:05 UTC 2011


I have the following files in rtems 4.8.2.

It compiles Ok, but when I run it on TSIM it gives the following error:

TSIM/LEON SPARC simulator, version 2.0.15 (professional version)

Copyright (C) 2001, Gaisler Research - all rights reserved.
For latest updates, go to http://www.gaisler.com/
Comments or bug-reports to tsim at gaisler.com

serial port A on stdin/stdout
allocated 4096 K RAM memory, in 1 bank(s)
allocated 32 M SDRAM memory, in 1 bank
allocated 2048 K ROM memory
icache: 1 * 4 kbytes, 16 bytes/line (4 kbytes total)
dcache: 1 * 4 kbytes, 16 bytes/line (4 kbytes total)
section: .text, addr: 0x40000000, size 95760 bytes
section: .data, addr: 0x40017610, size 3184 bytes
section: .jcr, addr: 0x40018280, size 4 bytes
read 639 symbols
tsim> go 0x40000000
resuming at 0x40000000
Call to testRun ...
Math test
Unexpected trap ( 4) at address 0x40001584
fp disabled

Program exited normally.

It seems as if the fp was no enabled at RTEMS level, but as you can see in the init.h file I have:

Any idea why?



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Gracias por su colaboracion.


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