Possible confdefs error when calculating workspace size

Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis fabricio at dea.inpe.br
Mon Mar 14 14:17:23 UTC 2011

Hi all,


I'm upgrading an application from RTEMS 4.8 to 4.10. This application runs
11 tasks (including Init and Idle) and some message queues.


When running on RTEMS 4.10, the application creates all tasks, but stops
after the creation of some queues, returning RTEMS_UNSATISFIED from a
rtems_message_queue_create directive. According to the manual, this means
"unable to allocate message buffers" (from the workspace).


The problem is solved when I add one to the number of configured tasks
(RTEMS_MAXIMUM_TASKS 12) - this increases the workspace size as well.


This didn't happen with previous versions - all I needed to do was inform
the correct number of tasks, and the workspace seemed to have the right


I couldn't find anything on the documentation that indicates a change on the
workspace size configuration.


Is there something I'm missing, or this could be a possible error on


Thanks in advance and best regards,



Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis.


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