Using telnetd in RTEMS4.10.1

VIRAL SHAH sva1978 at
Tue Sep 27 12:10:26 UTC 2011

Hi All,

We are using telnetd in RTEMS 4.10.1 with below configuration.

rtems_telnetd_config_table rtems_telnetd_config =
    rtemsShell, //command
    NULL,       //argument
    44,         // rtems_task_priority  priority,
    0,            // size_t  stack,
    NULL,       //login check
    false,        // bool remainOnCallerSTDIO,

We call rtems_telnetd_initialize() to initialise telentd.

With this configuration we are facing a problem of local echo on the client. If we explicitly make Local echo = Force off on client it works fine. But if the Local echo =  Auto it does not works and we see double characters on the shell. Is there any way by which the telenetd server will inform client to turn local echo off?

Thanks in advance for your response.


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