RES: Multiprocessing

Wendell Pereira da Silva wendell.silva at
Tue Sep 20 19:15:49 UTC 2011

Hi Asma,

I can give you an example from the application point of view. So this answer is limited. Maybe other ones can help more.
You can find Multiprocessing examples in the RTEMS test suite which is the RTEMS source code.
Have a look at rtems/testsuites/mptests. This directory contains all the MP (MultiProcessing) tests and can be useful as a starting point.


De: rtems-users-bounces at [mailto:rtems-users-bounces at] Em nome de Asma Mehiaoui
Enviada em: terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011 15:58
Para: rtems
Assunto: Multiprocessing

Hello rtems-users

Can someone give me an example for using multiprocessing on RTEMS?

Best ragards

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