RES: Shared library link

Wendell Pereira da Silva wendell.silva at
Fri Sep 23 12:35:52 UTC 2011

Hi Oleg,

There is a template of a Makefile that you can use to generate a static library in RTEMS_SOURCE/make/Templates/Makefile.lib.

To link you app, just use the -l option of the command line of the gcc/linker.

Hope it helps you.


De: rtems-users-bounces at [mailto:rtems-users-bounces at] Em nome de Oleg Moroz
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011 07:55
Para: Rtems
Assunto: Shared library link

How can i link my app with shared lib? I need to create a library that contains all standart functions like a prinf puts and addresses of this functions are constant. after this i want to link this library with my executable file that can call funcs from  lib. I want get segments from library and append its to my executable file with reallocation addresses to library funcs addresses.
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