Makefile with sources from different paths

João Paulo Scalão Martins joaopaulosm at
Fri Apr 20 14:39:24 UTC 2012

Hello guys!

I'm using Eclipse to create and manage a RTEMS application. The makefile is
based on the model Makefile.leaf.

The problem is that I have a folder inside the workspace path, with some
source files. I need to keep these files separated, just for a clean

This folder is named "modules". When I build the project, the compilation
stops when it start to compile the "modules path" sources. At this point, I
create (manually) a folder named "modules" inside the "o-optimize" folder,
and then I build the system again.

I've tried many modifications in the Makefile code, but it didn't work at

Does anybody know some trick to solve this?


Regards from Brasil,

- - -
*Joao Paulo Scalao Martins*
*Controls Group Engineer*
*Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory - LNLS
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