a hello for GSoC 2012's RTEMS running in Pok project

WL jolkaczad at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 01:17:46 UTC 2012

Hi All

My name is Wiktor Langowski, during the past few years I've been
studying computer science/engineering in Poland. I have been given the
opportunity to work with the code you all have been developing, during
this year's Google Summer of Code. The final goal of my project is to
have have multiple instances of RTEMS running inside Pok, which is an
operating system enabling virtual partitions with memory and time
separation to run simultaneously. This is a step towards making RTEMS
ARINC 653 compatible, with the aid of a hypervisor. I will be working
with Pok, but in the future it will be possible to use other
hypervisor solutions, since one of the most important planned
qualities of my implementation is to be generic as possible in terms
of the APIs and abstraction layers design so that the code can be
easily ported.

My project proposal describes it in more detail, I've made it
available at https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASq4WNcoMtiHZGh0czR2OThfMTEzY3JiOWtkZ24

As many other students, at the moment I'm still a bit wrapped up in
school affairs, and today I'm leaving for a couple days during the
labour day holiday. I won't have email access, but will gladly respond
to any questions or elaborate on any topic when I'm back.

I haven't written serious code in almost two months now so I'm really
looking forward to getting some stuff done.


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