Fours Days Until RTEMS Reaches Mars

Zandin Johan RUAG N Johan.Zandin at
Fri Aug 3 09:03:05 UTC 2012

Cláudio Silva wrote:
>> I think Astrium used(s?) 4.6.6 as a reference.

Pierre Ficheux wrote:
>They said "Derive from the RTEMS 4.6.1 basis a qualified RTOS for ERC32".

Thank you for the link! Interesting presentation.
But as said on page 25, the latest version is indeed based on 4.6.6.

On page 27, there is also a bunch of projects that someone should
add to and

Best regards

Johan Zandin                      Senior Software Engineer
RUAG Space AB                     Phone: +46-31-735 41 47
SE-405 15 Gothenburg, Sweden      Fax:   +46-31-735 40 00

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