Using the GoAhead Webserver

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Sat Aug 25 15:08:38 UTC 2012

On 25/08/12 16:51, ali nasir wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that the Go Ahead Webserver is already ported to the RTEMS. I need some help about how to go use it for eg, how to make web pages, how to put the webpages in the target,in what format does GoAhead need the web pages etc..
> Request anyone having some experience to give a little guidance.

I would use the Mongoose HTTP server.  It is also include in the RTEMS 
development version (should work with also with 4.9 and 4.10):

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Obere Lagerstr. 30, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 18 90 80 79-6
Fax     : +49 89 18 90 80 79-9
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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