write data to the address (PC104)--solved

zhoupeng zpeng563 at 126.com
Sun Jul 1 08:26:05 UTC 2012

Recently , I want to write data to register of can device. At first I use IO space , so I can't make the device operated. Later, I change to use memory space. I can send data and receive data from the register.

IO space:

/*unsigned char read_sja(unsigned char RegNum)
 unsigned char bValue;

 RegNum &= 0x7F;      //最高位清0


 return (bValue);

void write_sja(unsigned char RegNum, unsigned char bValue)
 RegNum &= 0x7F;   //最高位清0

memory space:

unsigned char read_sja(unsigned char RegNum)
 unsigned char data;
 RegNum &= 0x7F;
 data =  * (volatile unsigned char *)((BASE_ADDRESS)+RegNum);
 return (data);
void write_sja(unsigned char RegNum, unsigned char data)
 RegNum &= 0x7F;
 * (volatile unsigned char *)((BASE_ADDRESS)+RegNum) = data;

By the way , not all the PC-104 have can module. If you PC-104 have can module, you can follow the manual. But you must  find out if the operation of register is IO space or memory space.

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