NFS Write Performance

Chris Johns chrisj at
Fri May 11 02:39:23 UTC 2012

On 11/05/12 10:59 AM, Matt Rippa wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to compare in rough numbers the speed of writing a 50
> MB file from RTEMS to an NFS mount. In VxWorks 5.5.1, one of our
> detector systems is taking 21 seconds to write a file of this
> size to an NFS mount. WindRiver claims the performance is better
> in workbench 6.3.
> On Linux of course this is very fast, roughly 2 seconds on our
> gigabit network. Sorry I don't have an RTEMS system up and
> running or I already would have done some tests.
> Thanks for any insight,

It is difficult for RTEMS to quote numbers because the range of hardware 
that can be used varies widely and this will effect performance.

The performance will also depend on the set up of the NFS client, ie the 
amount of buffer space you have configured.

Where is the 50M of data being stored ?


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