Proposed Reorganization of Coverage Reporting

Chris Johns chrisj at
Mon Nov 19 00:42:20 UTC 2012

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> By bucket, I meant category or collection of symbols. Now we have core and "everything". I am proposing adding a report set basically by source directory.

I am still confused. The output from the execution is parsed and reported on in a single pass and there is some sort of split of symbols based on some other data ? Where is this collection of symbols that defines these buckets ?

> This would still be in addition to the -O2/-Os and posix enable/disable variations.

I would seem these and different builds, ie RFS a bucket per build type. You could visualize this as a path, ie 'rtems-O2/cpukit/libfs/rfs' and 'rtems-O2/cpukit/libfs/rfs'. These could become more complex eg 'rtems-O2-fomit-frame-pointers/cpukit/libfs/rfs'. For the posix 'rtems-posix-O2-fomit-frame-pointers/cpukit/libfs/rfs'

> It will not add to the build or test execution time. It will add to the report generation time. All views/categories can be generated from a single run.

Can you re-run just the report phase or does this not make sense ?


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