RTEMS 4.9.5 vs 4.10.2 Network Stack

Bacon Xu baconxu at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 01:32:43 UTC 2012

The interrupt system has been modified in RTEMS 4.10. It's indeed that
it should be repaired according to Pierre Ficheux said. I 'm just
confused about the DATAABORT error that was mentioned by Pierre.
Pierre, do you modified all of places that I mentioned in previous
email? If you has modified, it would find a new DATAABORT problem in
code. Please tell me the place or we find it together.

baconxu at gmail.com                 An amateur of RTEMS

> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 15:44:02 +0200
> From: Pierre Ficheux <pierre.ficheux at openwide.fr>
> To: rtems-users at rtems.org
> Subject: Re: RTEMS 4.9.5 vs 4.10.2 Network Stack
> Message-ID: <5040BFA2.5010908 at openwide.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Le 31/08/2012 12:52, SAeeD a ?crit :
>> As an extension to Bacon's email, I must mention that the following
>> change is also necessary for the network part of RTEMS to run properly
>> on Mini2440. In the file
>> c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/mini2440/network/network.c, the following
>> modification must happen:
>> rtems_irq_connect_data dm9000_isr_data = {
>>      BSP_EINT4_7,
>>      (rtems_irq_hdl)dm9000_isr,
>> NULL,
>>      dm9000_isr_on,
>>      dm9000_isr_off,
>>      dm9000_isr_is_on
>> };  /* unused for ARM */
> Hmm, I got the following error when using telnetd.exe :
> ============== Start Telnetd ==============
> Starting rtemsShell via telnetd -- default account is rtems w/no
> password
> Device: /dev/pty0../dev/pty7 (8)pseudo-terminals registered.
> telnetd started with stacksize = 81920 and priority = 100
> ============== Deleting Init Task ==============
> data_abort at address 0x3003D17C, instruction: 0xE596A018,   spsr =
> 0x60000013
> active thread thread 0x0A010002
> Previous sp=0x300AFE94 lr=0x3008BCA8 and actual cpsr=60000097
>   0x3008BCA8 0x00000014 0x3017D80E 0x300AFECC 0x30098F6C 0x3008C174
>   0x30098044 0x300AFED8 0x3017D01C 0x00000200 0x30098F6C 0x300AFEDC
>   0x3008C220 0x30020C88 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000000A 0x043B5FC0
>   0x3008C220 0x3008C16C 0x300AFF24 0x00040004 0x300AFECC 0x3008C16C
>   0x300AFED4 0x00000000 0x3F14050A 0x30088CE0 0x3008BDF4 0x3008C230
>   0x30088CE0 0x300AFECC 0x3008C16C 0x300AFED4 0x0000000C 0x30014370
>   0x00040000 0x300142F4 0x00000000 0x3008C230 0x3008C220 0x300144A8
>   0x30098F6C 0x00000001 0x3005AAC0 0x30098D18 0x30098F6C 0x3005AA1C
> --
> Pierre FICHEUX  -/- CTO OWI, France -\- pierre.ficheux at openwide.fr
>                                           http://ingenierie.openwide.fr
>                                           http://www.ficheux.org
> I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code

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