STM32F4 BSP usage

Steven Grunza steven.grunza at
Thu Apr 18 00:21:02 UTC 2013

  I'm trying to use the stm32f4 BSP for a robotics application.  I need to
program most of the internal hardware peripherals (PWM, QEI, Timers,
USARTs, etc).

  My code is starting to get a little hacked looking:

   uint32_t * pRCC_AHB1ENR;
   uint32_t * pRCC_APB1ENR;
   uint32_t * pRCC_APB2ENR;
   uint32_t * pGPIOA_MODER;
   uint32_t * pGPIOC_MODER;
   uint32_t * pGPIOA_OTYPER;
   uint32_t * pGPIOC_OTYPER;
   uint32_t * pGPIOA_OSPEEDR;
   uint32_t * pGPIOC_OSPEEDR;
   uint32_t * pGPIOA_PUPDR;
   uint32_t * pGPIOC_PUPDR;

   pRCC_AHB1ENR =  (uint32_t *) (0x40023800 + 0x30);
   pRCC_APB1ENR =  (uint32_t *) (0x40023800 + 0x40);
   pRCC_APB2ENR =  (uint32_t *) (0x40023800 + 0x44);
   pGPIOA_MODER =  (uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x00);
   pGPIOC_MODER =  (uint32_t *) (0x40020800 + 0x00);
   pGPIOA_OTYPER = (uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x04);
   pGPIOC_OTYPER = (uint32_t *) (0x40020800 + 0x04);
   pGPIOA_OSPEEDR =(uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x08);
   pGPIOC_OSPEEDR =(uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x08);
   pGPIOA_PUPDR =  (uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x0C);
   pGPIOC_PUPDR =  (uint32_t *) (0x40020000 + 0x0C);

   // Enable GPIOA, GPIOC, and GPIOE clocks
#define RCC_GPIOA_EN 0x00000001
#define RCC_GPIOC_EN 0x00000004
#define RCC_GPIOE_EN 0x00000010


Is there an example of how to use the BSP properly or is this the expected
way to access the internal registers of the STM32F4?

Steven G
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