GSOC Student Project Planning

Deng Hengyi wei.a.yang at
Mon Apr 29 14:22:08 UTC 2013

在 2013-4-28,下午11:30,Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill at> 写道:

> Hi
> I have been reviewing GSOC proposals and wanted to pass along
> some advice. Most of the students I have reviewed, I have chatted
> with so have a good idea of what they are proposing. But....
> All of the proposals I have reviewed so far are missing a task list
> or work break down at all.  I encourage all the students to make
> a very detailed todo list.
> For example, if your project involves working on a series of
> target architectures, then the work on each architecture would
> be at least one item in the work break down.  As another example,
> maybe you are creating multiple new classes/handlers or
> your project requires some work on a set of existing classes/handlers.
> In this case, each class would be at least a work item. It may break
> down if it is a development activity, since you would at least
> need to address any design, coding, test, and documentation.
> Documenting and testing would likely be repeated as sub-tasks of
> different parts of the project.
> Patch submission would show up if  the work can be incrementally
> submitted. Which is most of the projects I have reviewed so far.
> I would expect the dates in the GSOC calendar to show up as
> deadlines.
> Basically, you need to break things down to small incremental
> steps. Put them in order. Plan deliverables, testing, etc.
> is a libre planning tool which is
> similar to MS-Project. It can be used to create work break downs
> and display them as Gannt charts, etc.
I have download and install the projectlibre. And anyone has a guide or some references to share?
> Your GSOC Project should be viewed from a planning perspective
> as a fixed price contract with deliverables. Using project planning tools
> is a part of live in the "real world". :)
> -- 
> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
> joel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
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