Re: MinGW

williamssimonp at williamssimonp at
Fri Aug 9 11:24:14 UTC 2013

I tried the plug-in, but couldn’t get it to recognise the compiler.  I only had about an hour to play with it though.  I am planning to do a bit more research over the weekend.  I got the standard CDT to recognise the compiler with no problem and so that and a bunch of manually added includes, libraries and other compiler and linker options are my fall back.  I am using Kepler and I don’t know that the plug-in is compatible.

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Sebastian Huber
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎9‎ ‎August‎ ‎2013 ‎10‎:‎41
To: rtems-users at

On 2013-08-09 10:08, williamssimonp at wrote:
> I am trying to get RKI to build, but this is early days.  I eventually need to
> use C++ and I like to use the Eclipse IDE and so I have imported the source
> into Eclipse with a view to getting the original C code to work, prior
> to porting it to C++ as a base for my project.  I am getting undefined
> references in the link, but I can sort this out, I just need to find which
> libraries are missing.

There is an Eclipse plug-in for RTEMS:

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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