BSP instructions

rwas rbtwas at
Sun Feb 17 20:43:16 UTC 2013

Mathew Benson wrote:
>  I finally found the time to start playing with RTEMS.  I'm a flight
>  software engineer, but have never written a BSP from scratch.  I've
>  only tweaked existing ones.  I have a Raspberry Pi B and would like
>  to use that as my test bed.  Raspberry Pi is ARM based.  It appears
>  the generic RTEMS ARM BSP is deprecated and has been removed.  Two
>  questions.  First, is there a tutorial, wiki, or some sort of
>  documentation on how to create a BSP?  Second, which BSP should I
>  start with?

Along with Gedare's response, I'd add that if you were determined to own the
process, that you should learn to write standalone (--freestanding) code 
for this

Robert W.

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