Getting started with RTEMS and Ubuntu

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Tue Feb 5 17:05:16 UTC 2013

Hi Steven,

If you search this list you can find some similar queries. I can't
speak to any specific versions of Ubuntu, but I recall that Ralf
recently made some posts regarding some packages for I think it was
Ubuntu Precise. Since the Ubuntu RTEMS packages are not updated often,
I would expect the LTS to be the better route to go. If you are stuck
with Quantal, you might want to investigate how to produce your own
toolchain if the pre-packaged tools are not easy to get working. IIRC
there were some problems folks had with missing dependencies with some
Ubuntu precise packages.

There is also a beta-version tool called Source Builder that Chris
Johns has been working on that might be worth trying. You'd have to
ask him about it though, I have no first-hand knowledge.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Steven Grunza <sgrunza at> wrote:
> There seem to be files located at
> that
> might work for installing tools for my new Quantal x86_64 development
> machine.
> There is also the wiki page at
> that gives the
> instructions for using RedHat RPM's and the alien package to create .DEB
> packages from the .RPM packages.
> Which is the currently recommended path to follow?  I need to run Ubuntu
> because of the requirements of a different project so I have a little
> bit of a sys-admin learning curve to deal with.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------
> Steven Grunza
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