rtems and Ubuntu 12.04

D Peter Siddons siddons at bnl.gov
Sun Jan 13 17:47:21 UTC 2013

In building the RTEMS CVS head ( on Ubuntu 12.04, 64-bit, I 
discovered a problem. Make fails in the build with the "C compiler 
cannot generate executables" error. I turns out that this is caused by 
the libcloog.so library being renamed in this distribution to 
libcloog-debian.so.0.0.0 and some similar links. I added a link from 
this to libcloog.so.0 and everything built successfully. Is this a known 

D. Peter Siddons
Detector Development Group Leader
NSLS, Bldg. 725D
Photon Sciences Directorate,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973

email: siddons at bnl.gov
Phone: (631) 344-2738

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