Why RTEMS timeslice is not as configured.

Fernando Nicodemos fgnicodemos at ncb.ind.br
Sat Jul 13 17:41:27 UTC 2013

Will try it...

*Fernando G. Nicodemos*
*Diretor de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento

***®*NCB - Sistemas **Embarcados Ltda.*
*23° 09’ 24.87”S**     45° 47’ 26.49”W*
São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil
t.:+55 (12) *3905.2243*                *

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2013/7/11 Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>

> Fernando Nicodemos wrote:
>> No. Any ideas on how to check it accurately? Is it possible to check
>> against an osciloscope measure?
> I do not know this BSP or the hardware so I cannot offer anything
> specific. I typically hack code to toggle an IO pin into the timer
> interrupt and use something external to measure it.
> Chris
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