Bucher Fabio fabio.bucher at
Sat Mar 9 06:54:09 UTC 2013

Ah sorry, yes I use 4.10.2 and the 4.11 tools.

The command fromthe getting Startet (not the wiki):
    ../rtems-4.10.2/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 \
    --disable-posix --disable-networking --disable-cxx \
    --enable-rtemsbsp=sis \
1.) you should use --buils, --host, -target
2.) invalid host type: --disable-posix
Configure error:
invalid variable name: `--enable-rtemsbsp`

The command from the getting startet wiki page:
    ../rtems-4.10.2/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=sis \
    --enable-test=samples \
    --disable posix \
Configure error:
invalid variable name: ` --enable-tests`

If I dont use --enable tests, the error is: invalid variable name: `prefix`

Do I have to use the 4.10 prebuilt toolset or where can I get the 4.11 tarball instead of the 4.10.2?

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