Porting an embedded application to an RTEMS

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Tue Mar 12 13:41:08 UTC 2013

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:
> manish jain wrote:
>> @Chirs: Ok, let me provide a little description about the application.
>> We want to port "http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Main_Page" on RTEMS.
> Thanks.
>> "Paparazzi" is an open source autopilot system which runs without the
>> use of any RTOS. Currently, the autopilot system in "Paparazzi" using
>> two types of boards  based upon STM32  and LPC21xx architecture. And
>> besides that other hardware units are"
> If your application has all the drivers in it, you can typically get away
> with a simple BSP. Yes you will need to create a suitable BSP based on one
> of the existing ones. A basic BSP needs only a console driver, typically to
> a UART and timer driver. I am not sure which is the best BSP to copy and I
> hope other who do will answer.
I am no ARM expert either, but I think the STM32 already has had some
support with the stm32f4 bsp, and based on a quick look I think the
rtl22xx is similar to the lpc21xx. If not maybe one of the other lpc
BSPs are similar.

If you go to rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm you can see the subdirectories
for different bsp variants including the stm32f4 and rtl22xx.

Your device drivers probably should continue to work within your
application I would guess. You could investigate porting them into BSP
if it makes sense. A minimal BSP will provide boot/initialization
code, a console (if you need one), and clock driver. Extra goodies may
already be available or can be hooked into existing framework for
drivers, or you can probably just leave the drivers in your
application and just register the interrupt handler routines.

> Chris
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