Possible mistake in manuals

noselasd at fiane.dyndns.org noselasd at fiane.dyndns.org
Tue May 7 21:50:13 UTC 2013

On 05/07/2013 02:48 AM, Binkowski, Cassio wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can you please refer to the following link in the manuals and get to
> where it says "|RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE| - buffer size not a multiple of 4"?
> http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/releases/rtemsdocs-4.10.2/share/rtems/html/c_user/c_user00242.html
> Shouldn't it be a multiple of 8? I just tried creating a partition with
> buffer size 20 and it didn't allow me to.

It does seem to be a mistake, the alignment must be 
The CPU_PARTITION_ALIGNMENT macro is dependent on the architecture.

The alignment is, for most CPU architectures required to be
CPU_ALIGNMENT (which is usually 4 or 8).

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