STM32F4 discovery makefile

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Sat Oct 26 13:49:17 UTC 2013

On 10/25/2013 09:21 PM, sarraciro wrote:
> Hi, I've built with success a template for the stm32f4-discovery.
> Now I want integrate the GPIO support (for starting) .
> I've noticed :

This is the BSP source directory for the STM32 Cortex-M controllers.

> Then I made this structure: two directories inc & src
> |-- init.c
> |-- lib
> |   |-- inc
> |   |   |-- bsp.h
> |   |   |-- bspopts.h
> |   |   |-- i2c.h
> |   |   |-- io.h
> |   |   |-- irq.h
> |   |   |-- rcc.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4xxxx_gpio.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4xxxx_rcc.h
> |   |   |-- stm32_i2c.h
> |   |   |-- stm32_usart.h
> |   |   `-- usart.h
> |   |-- Makefile
> |   `-- src
> |       |-- console-config.c
> |       |-- i2c.c
> |       |-- i2c-config.c
> |       `-- usart.c
> |-- Makefile
> |-- pmacros.h
> |-- system.h
> |-- init.c
> |-- lib
> |   |-- inc
> |   |   |-- bsp.h
> |   |   |-- bspopts.h
> |   |   |-- i2c.h
> |   |   |-- io.h
> |   |   |-- irq.h
> |   |   |-- rcc.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4xxxx_gpio.h
> |   |   |-- stm32f4xxxx_rcc.h
> |   |   |-- stm32_i2c.h
> |   |   |-- stm32_usart.h
> |   |   `-- usart.h
> |   |-- Makefile
> |   `-- src
> |       |-- console-config.c
> |       |-- i2c.c
> |       |-- i2c-config.c
> |       `-- usart.c
> |-- Makefile
> |-- pmacros.h
> |-- system.h
> but how to  the control of building-process can flow through from the
> first makefile to the second one (lib/) for build the library? there 're
> any recommendations to build & include a library?

Where do you have this directory layout?  Do you want to develop a RTEMS 
application or do you want to enhance the BSP?

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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