Changing the default start address

Mohammed Khoory mkhoory at
Tue Sep 17 08:33:42 UTC 2013

I would like to shift the entire code, including the start code, to a
specific location. I assume the start code is located at the default
location, correct? Therefore, after the shift, the start code should be
located at the "specific location"

Generally, I want to shift the entire code by an offset, such that anything
that was at ADDRESS is now at ADDRESS+OFFSET, if that makes sense. 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: rtems-users-bounces at [mailto:rtems-users-
>bounces at] On Behalf Of Sebastian Huber
>Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:29 PM
>To: rtems-users at
>Subject: Re: Changing the default start address
>Hello Mohammed,
>do you want to move the start code to a different memory location or do you
>want to simply change the entry symbol of the ELF file?
>On 2013-09-17 02:54, Mohammed Khoory wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For certain hardware-related reasons, I need to change the starting
>> address of my RTEMS executable to something slightly different than
>> what the BSP specifies. For what I understood, this should be
>> achievable by passing -Ttext=<address> to the linker. After doing
>> that, I can see that all the relevant symbols (like start and others)
>> have shifted to the new address if I check with readelf.
>> Unfortunately, when I try to run it, the executable fails at a very early
>due to an undefined trap.
>> Is there anything else I should consider or change when changing the
>> start address of the executable? I tried searching the BSP headers for
>> the old address but I couldn't find anything useful.
>> I'm using the LEON3 BSP (sparc). The default start address is 0x40000000.
>> Thanks,
>> Mohammed Khoory
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