getcwd syscall fails on 3rd subfolder

Hoefle Marco Marco.Hoefle at
Tue Apr 8 12:22:14 UTC 2014

we use the Gaisler RTEMS Kernel 4-10-1.2.14 on a GR712RC board.
The following function is used to  determine the current working directory on a fatfs:

static NtsError fs_pwd_do( int argc, char **argv)
	char *ret = getcwd(NULL, 0);
	if(ret) {
		nts_printf("%s\n", ret);
		return NTS_OK;

	nts_printf("getcwd failed, errno: %d, MAXPATHLEN: %d\n", errno, MAXPATHLEN);
	return NTS_FAILURE;

The fatfs was generated using:
	@dd if=/dev/zero of=$(NAME) bs=256 count=1024 > /dev/null
	/sbin/mkfs.vfat -F 12 -S 512 -s 1 -r 512 -f 1 -v $(NAME)

This is what happens:

cassis> fs mount
RAM Disk registered
mount return: 0
ram disk addr: 0x64000000
cassis> fs ls
3920 dev
16384 mnt
cassis> fs pwd
cassis> fs cwd mnt
changed to mnt
cassis> fs pwd
cassis> fs ls
512 template
cassis> fs cwd template 
changed to template
cassis> fs pwd
cassis> fs ls
512 .
16384 ..
512 param
512 logs
cassis> fs cwd logs
changed to logs
cassis> fs pwd
getcwd failed, errno: 2, MAXPATHLEN: 1024

The folder logs is definitely existing:
cassis> fs dump /mnt/template/logs/housekeeping/log0
file size: 10
64 61 63 30 3a 20 31 30 30 0a

A non existing file leeds to: 
cassis> fs dump /mnt/template/logs/housekeeping/log9
file size: 10
failure, ret: -1, errno: 2

Has anybody an idea why getcwd() fails (errno 2 means not existent)?


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