Windows tool set

Simon Williams williamssimonp at
Mon Jan 6 14:30:46 UTC 2014


After a fairly lengthy hiatus caused by the job that pays the bills taking
over my life for a while, I finally got back to looking at RTEMS this
weekend.  The first thing that I had to do was to rebuild my development
environment as I have had to wipe and rebuild my laptop since the last time
I looked at it.  When doing this, I discovered that the two latest tar
files containing the Windows build tools have been configured to install in
/home/chrisj/development/rtems/4.11 instead of /opt/rtems/4.11 as they had
previously been configured.  Since I do not log on to my machine as
'chrisj', the option of using these version of the tools did not appeal!

I attempted to use Source Builder and Cygwin to build the tools myself
using the instructions on the Source Builder documentation page, but could
not get past building expat.  It was complaining that it couldn't find one
of the exe files that it was trying to install, despite the fact that it
was there.  There were also warnings about not being able to resolve an
absolute path to '.libs' (which also existed and contained the exe file in
question) which I think may have been related.

I ended up using the oldest of the three Windows tool archives available
from the download page. Since this one was configured for /opt/rtems/4.11,
this was fine, but potentially leaves me using an outdated set of tools.

(A note to anyone else attempting to use the same tools archive, you need
to add a link in MinGW from /usr/local/bin/gm4 to /usr/bin/m4 to enable
bootstrap to work.)

My prefered option would be to sort out the issues with Source Builder, so
that I could build the tools configured for my file system, but I don't
know enough about Cygwin to diagnose the issue.  Can anyone give me any
pointers?  Failing that, would it be possible to get the Windows RTEMS
tools archive updated to run from a more generic location?

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to use Linux as my development
platform for this, .NET programming is what pays the bills and so I have to
run Windows!
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