RTEMS Posix lock failure

John Harwell jharwell at swri.org
Mon Jan 6 16:58:33 UTC 2014


When RTEMS entries the Internal_error_Occurred() routine, it is within 
the context of an ISR, according to the value of _ISR_Nest_level.
After reading the documentation on rtems_fire_after() here 
I realized that because my function attempts to acquire a global
mutex lock within an ISR context, RTEMS will correctly lockup. Now that 
I know the cause, restructuring my code should be
relatively simple.

Thanks for your help,

John Harwell
High Reliability Software Section
Communications and Embedded Systems Department

john.harwell at swri.org
Office: 210-522-5965
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, TX 78238-5166
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