rtems-users Digest, Vol 88, Issue 10

Nick Withers nick.withers at anu.edu.au
Wed Jan 15 01:03:12 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-01-15 at 08:43 +0800, Tom Smith wrote:
> Hi huber
> Can you give me a hint  why I should get a native c compiler ?   I am
> just building for arm architecture.

Right, but you don't have a C compiler, so you can't build anything for
your host that requires a C compiler.

"sudo yum install gcc" perhaps?

> And  I am wondering  what should be specified after
> `--enable-rtemsbsp=',  I read the online doc page,
> http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/releases/rtemsdocs-4.10.1/share/rtems/html/started/started00062.html
>  but I can't find the README.configure file.

That's for an older version of RTEMS than you're trying to build (which
is apparently 4.11, from an earlier email from you).

Have you seen http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Quick_Start ?

> So what is the available bsp names ?

I don't personally know, I'm afraid. Do you actually have hardware
you're building for? Are you wanting to run in a simulator?

> thanks

Nick Withers

Embedded Systems Programmer
Room 2.26, Building 57
Department of Nuclear Physics
Research School of Physics and Engineering
The Australian National University (CRICOS: 00120C)

eMail: nick.withers at anu.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 6125 2091
Mobile: +61 414 397 446

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