Problem with simple 'new' operator when using RTEMS 4.11 for the SIS BSP

Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis fabricio at
Fri Jul 25 19:49:09 UTC 2014

Hi all,


I’ve recently installed RTEMS 4.11 from the git head and am facing a strange
problem: whenever I use the ‘new’ operator for a C++ application, the
application crashes.


If, for instance, I have a printk instruction some lines before calling
‘new’ (as “int *a = new int[10];”), there is no output. It seems that the
addition of ‘new’ is forcing the link to some C++ library that is not ok
working well.


I’m using the SIS BSP, and this example works fine with RTEMS 4.10 (note:
RTEMS 4.10 and 4.11 are installed in different computers).


I’m feeling dumb right now for not having any idea about what is going on.
Any tips?


Thanks in advance and best regards,



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