No configure script in the Git repository?

Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis fabricio at
Fri Jul 4 14:06:41 UTC 2014

Ok, found it!

The step I was missing was calling 'bootstrap'. This is described on

However, there's no reference of it on the 'Getting Started' manual. It would be nice to add this information there.



> Hello all,
> I'm trying to install RTEMS from the Git repository for the first time 
> - I'm used to get the tar files of the 'stable' releases available at 
> the FTP, but at this time I need to get the newest (4.11).
> I got the source files, but when I called the configure script, I 
> found that it is not there. I checked the Getting Started document,  
> and it states no difference on the use of the configure script between 
> sources gotten from the FTP or from Git.
> Am I missing something? Is there any additional step I have to perform 
> before calling configure?
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Fabrício.

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