Need help for networking configuration

Alexandre LETT lett.alexandre at
Thu May 15 17:50:53 UTC 2014


I need your help !
I'm a new rtems user for a university project (ending in 10 days) and I'm
aiming to develop a video processing application using a camera and a FPGA
with the LEON3 processor.
For that I'm first trying to build a simple TCP client/server program using
My FPGA (Digilient Nexys 3 - Spartan 6) is connected to my laptop using an
ethernet cable. I can communicate with the FPGA using GRMON. The FPGA IP is and my laptop's is I've been trying to configure
the networkconfig.h for hours to reflect my network but I still haven't
been able to make it work...
Do any of you have an example code which would be quite equivalent to my
network? Am I missing something...? I managed to use the ifconfig and route
commands but I still have only the lo0 interface...
I just don't know what to try anymore so I definetely need your help cause
I'm really stuck here for too long and my deadline is near...

Please could you help me regarding this ?

Best regards

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