RTEMS shell and telnetd

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Wed May 28 23:32:50 UTC 2014

On 29/05/2014 1:13 am, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> On 2014-05-28 17:04, Peter Dufault wrote:
>> I'm figuring out how we're supposed to hook telnetd and RTEMS shell
>> together in the git head and I don't understand the intent.  I used to
>> do it like this:
>> static void sh_wrap(char *unused_dev, void *arg)
>> {
>>      rtems_shell_env_t my_env = rtems_global_shell_env;
>>      my_env.forever = false;
>>      (void)rtems_shell_main_loop( &my_env );
>> }
>> rtems_telnetd_config_table rtems_telnetd_config = {
>>      sh_wrap,                /* Command */
>>      NULL,                   /* Argument */
>>      0,                      /* Priority */
>>      20 * RTEMS_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE, /* task stack size */
>>      0,                      /* Login check */
>>      0                       /* Keep stdio of the caller  */
>> };
>> and later call:
>>      rtems_telnetd_initialize();
>> "rtems_global_shell_env" is no longer global.
>> "rtems_shell_init_env()" which would initialize a rtems_shell_env_t is
>> not global.  "rtems_shell_get_current_env()" won't work outside of a
>> shell context.  Passing 0 to rtems_shell_main_loop(0) will get the
>> default settings for the shell env, so forever will be set true and I
>> won't be able to exit the session.
>> Am I missing something or is the intention I set up a "my_env"
>> myself?  rtems_shell_env_t is still global.
> since so many user stumble over this problem I think we should bring
> this global rtems_global_shell_env back as a read-only variable simply
> to initialize rtems_shell_env_t variables.

What is wrong with:

   rtems_shell_env_t shell_env = *rtems_shell_get_current_env();



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