compile RTEMS failed.

Rafael wong rafaelwong77 at
Mon Apr 20 07:25:55 UTC 2015

    I am a new user, I am trying to compile RTEMS with ARM and s3c2410bsp
follow QuickStart, but failed.
    The error was that it can not find header file <drvmgr/drvmgr.h> when
compiling cpukit/libmisc/shell/main_drvmgr.c.
    Please help me, Thank you!

Enviroment: Ubuntu 14.10

The command build RSB:
   $ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11

The command configure RTEMS:
   $ ../rtems/configure --target=arm-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=smdk2410
 --enable-tests=samples --enable-posix
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