How to add the Idle task to Ada runtime

Jan Sommer soja-misc at
Sat Aug 1 17:39:22 UTC 2015

I managed to get most of the Ada examples running for the raspberry pi.
However, there seem to be no default idle task.
If you have 

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure Hello is

   task Hello_Task;

   task body Hello_Task is
	delay 5.0;
   end Hello_Task;

end Hello;

The runtime will be terminated after the body of the procedure [1] is executed.
I think the usual behaviour for Ada would be that instead an idle task is running while the Hello_Task waits.
At least it works like this if I compile the file for my desktop-PC.

I found some configuration options in the RTEMS Ada user manual dealing with idle tasks, but it looks to me that it is only relevant if I would like to overwrite the default one with a bsp or application specific one.
I tried to look at some other bsps (e.g. Leon2) for reference, but haven't found anything useful yet.

Could someone point me in the right direction?



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