Google Code In (GCI) starting in 2 days

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Sat Dec 5 13:59:46 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,

This is a friendly reminder that GCI starts soon. Please be prepared
for a possible flood of new users and questions as high schoolers
attempt to work with different parts of RTEMS Project. If you see a
question on the mailing list or IRC that you may know how to answer,
please don't hesitate to give back by helping these students to find

If anyone is able/willing to spend a few minutes each day answering
questions, we would really like the extra hands to help "mentor"
students doing tasks. Mentoring GCI is basically just answering a few
questions or directing the student to someone who might have the
answer, or to devel mailing list. Let me or Joel know if you can

Thanks, and Happy Holidays to everyone.

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