Assertion failure in rtems_semaphore_delete using lwIP

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri Dec 11 21:35:48 UTC 2015

----- Am 11. Dez 2015 um 16:58 schrieb Isaac Gutekunst isaac.gutekunst at

> Hi Sebastian,
> Yes it still is.
> We've put a data watch point on thread dispatch disable level becoming -1.

Ok, this is good.

> Here is one case where it happens:
> -000|Thread_queue_Unblock_critical
> -001|Thread_queue_Extract_critical
> -002|CORE_message_queue_Dequeue_receiver
> -003|CORE_message_queue_Submit
> -004|CORE_message_queue_Send
> -005|rtems_message_queue_send
> -006|sys_mbox_post
> -007|tcpip_apimsg
> -008|netconn_recved
> -009|lwip_recvfrom
> -010|lwip_read
> -011|http_server_serve
> -012|http_server_socket_thread
> -013|Thread_Handler
> -014|Thread_Handler
> ---|end of frame

Now, you just have to look at the instruction trace and see what happened between entering rtems_message_queue_send() and the watchpoint.  I guess an interrupt happened and did something wrong.

What is the priority of your stm32f_ethernet_isr() interrupt IPR register field value?

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