Problem with rtems_event_send crashing from interrupt routine

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Wed Jun 10 19:26:22 UTC 2015

Hello Andrei,

which RTEMS version do you use?

----- Mr. Andrei Chichak <groups at> schrieb:
> This one is weird (for me).
> I’m dealing with an STM32F407 (ARM M4F), stripping data off of the ADCs using DMA.  Using double buffering, I get an interrupt telling me that my ADC scan is done and the data is waiting in region “A”, then 1/200 of a second later I get a different interrupt telling me that data is waiting in region “B”, repeat.
> To indicate to my task that the buffer is ready I use rtems_event_send in the interrupt routine and either send RTEMS_EVENT_0 or RTEMS_EVENT_1, depending on which interrupt routine got called.
> The task does a:
> 		status = rtems_event_receive( RTEMS_EVENT_0 | RTEMS_EVENT_1, RTEMS_WAIT | RTEMS_EVENT_ANY, 100, &events);
> and this is seen to run 200 times per second.
> BUT, after (exactly and repeatably) 3101 seconds the receive no longer happens and never return with a status code. Actually the process seems to go into an infinite loop outside of my code. 

In which function is this infinite loop?

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
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