Wanted: GSoC Mentors!

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Mon Mar 2 19:57:34 UTC 2015

Mentors are needed to help teach and transform college-age students
who undertake to improve RTEMS! We perpetually have more good students
than mentors and have to turn away projects that would otherwise
greatly benefit RTEMS. If you have some inclination to help mentor or
co-mentor (a much reduced burden), please take the time to join up!
Even if you cannot mentor, it can be helpful to the RTEMS Project if
you can sign up to review and rank proposals.

Mentoring can be time-consuming, but it can also be quite a rewarding
activity. Primary mentors tend to spend about 2-10 hours per week
helping their student. Some mentors do more, and some do less. We also
try to get co-mentors to pitch in to keep the burden down, and we have
found that the highly-skilled RTEMS users are effective co-mentors.

To register you should go to
https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015 and login
with a Google account. Then create your profile, and then you should
see a link on the front page that says "Start connection". You should
attempt to create a connection with RTEMS Project.  If you have any
troubles do not hesitate to contact me or Joel!

Thanks, and I hope you can contribute!

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