GCI Mentors Wanted

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Sun Nov 8 15:34:06 UTC 2015

Hello All,

We are hoping to participate in Google Code-In (GCI) this year. This
is a program for high school students that requires a high frequency
of interactions between mentors and students as they do tasks from 5
categories (coding, doc, testing, outreach, UI). We really need a lot
of volunteers who can occasionally confirm when a student has
completed a task. Basically, any mentor can "pitch in" to any amount
to check student work. Even 10 minutes here and there throughout the
program period is extremely helpful and a great way to give back to
RTEMS and to begin engaging the next generation.

If you are interested please contact Joel, Jennifer, Chris, and
myself, or just reply to this email directly.

Also, if you have any ideas for tasks we'd be happy for input, or
better yet for a pull request to merge task description and script
support in https://github.com/joelsherrill/gci_tasks


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