fopen file size error when file size is over around 6MB

Chan Kim ckim at
Tue Sep 8 07:53:00 UTC 2015

> Which information do you get via fstat()?
There was a mistake (I read 4MB file when I thought 10MB file), now it copies the file (read and write) ok.
But I don't know why the fstat function returns -1 below.

            fpsrc = fopen("/mnt/dir2/sample10m.dat","r");

    struct stat stat1;
            fseek(fpsrc, 0L, SEEK_END);
            size = ftell(fpsrc);
            printk("numbytes = %d\n", size);
    int res = fstat(fpsrc, &stat1);
    printk("----- print fstat result ..res = %d----- \n", res);
    printk(" st_uid = %x\n", stat1.st_uid);
    printk(" st_gid = %x\n", stat1.st_gid);
    printk(" st_size = %x\n", stat1.st_size);
    printk(" st_blksize = %x\n", stat1.st_blksize);
    printk(" st_blocks = %x\n", stat1.st_blocks);

numbytes = 10485760
----- print fstat result ..res = -1----- 
 st_uid = 9E68
 st_gid = E1A9
 st_size = 92826906
 st_blksize = 1E415858
 st_blocks = 4FCAA458
----- now copying..(10485760 bytes)
10485760 bytes copied



보낸 사람 : "Sebastian Huber" <sebastian.huber at>
보낸 날짜 : 2015-09-08 14:42:00 ( +09:00 )
받는 사람 : users at <users at>
참조 : 
제목 : Re: fopen file size error when file size is over around 6MB

Which information do you get via fstat()?

On 08/09/15 06:47, Chan Kim wrote:
> Hello, rtems users,
> After mounting SD card under /mnt, I can read and write files now. But when the file size is bigger than 5Mbytes, the file size information reads wrong. If it's less than 5Mbytes, read and write is ok.
> For example, when the file size is 10MByte,
> fpsrc = fopen("/mnt/dir2/sample10m.dat","r");
> fseek(fpsrc, 0L, SEEK_END);
> size = ftell(fpsrc);
> printk("numbytes = %d\n", size);
> fseek(fpsrc, 0L, SEEK_SET);
> result :
> numbytes = 4194304 <=== this is exactly 4MByte (when the file size is 10MB)
> Is there something I should set for IMFS configuration?
> I see (#define MSDOS_MAX_FILE_SIZE 0xFFFFFFFF) in msdos.h.
> Thanks,
> Chan
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